Support with a Subscription

Fan Funding

Why subscribe to with fan funding?

Perhaps the best reason is that while we hope to be profitable in the near future, we are not today. We need the support of our audience to pay the bills. Believe me, the ads you see on this site do not cover the production and operating expenses. Our hosting costs for audio and video (bandwidth and storage) will increase our overhead but also the quality of our offerings to you.

It’s also affordable – pay any amount you want per month.

Ultimately, when we start to turn a profit, we will dedicate a portion of our before tax profit as donations to dog welfare organizations helping to reduce the number of dogs going into shelters each year. We will also support those that, so very importantly, are doing everything possible to increase the number that come back out alive. If you’ve read much of the rest of the website, you can see we already donate gallery and discussion forum space to any rescue or shelter that asks. Our inspiration dog, Ansel, was a rescue dog and part of our mission is to help the welfare of dogs everywhere.

So please help us keep the lights on to achieve these worthwhile goals. In the process, we hope to deliver to you some informative, entertaining, heck, just some doggone good stuff as well.

Please click the “buy now” button below to subscribe today.

Thanks ever so much,


(the big dog)

Fan Funding

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