www.DogExplorer.com News — The Cleveland Clinic is answering questions about a controversial demonstration hosted at the teaching hospital that resulted in the death of a dog at the hands of a staff neurosurgeon.

The dog had an “induced brain aneurysm” and the doctor was demonstrating the use of a medical device to people being trained to sell the tool.

Induce is defined as “To bring about or stimulate the occurrence of; cause: a drug used to induce labor.” Aneurysm is defined as “a condition in which a blood vessel expands like a balloon; aneurysm may rupture, or “pop”, a condition which is often fatal to the patient.”

According to published reports the dog was unconscious during the procedure and was killed after it was completed.

A statement released by the Cleveland Clinic hospital claimed that animals are used in research but that this demonstration was not an authorized activity. It went on to state that “…Cleveland Clinic does not allow procedures with animals for the sole purpose of sales training.”

The Cleveland Clinic hospital said the neurosurgeon involved had asked for permission to use the dog but that the doctor’s request was never reviewed.

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