A young Vizsla dog is pictured in early morning light as water droplets and drool fall from its mouth after drinking some water in a dog park… a pretty funny dog picture.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) says the Vizsla originally came from Hungary and while it is in many respects a pointer, they in fact combine elements of the pointer and retriever type dogs.

Vizsla Dog Pictures
Photo by PupandHorse.com

The AKC goes on to say Vizsla were a favorite of early Hungarian Barons and that the golden rust colored dogs have been seen in etchings going back to the 10th century.

Be sure to click the Vizsla picture above to see the large size image and the rest of our Vizsla dog pictures. Oh, please, please, please click the “Like” button below to “Like” this page on Facebook. It is very much appreciated.

The only thing better than dog pictures and cute photographs of puppies are dogs and puppies themselves. So to celebrate our dog buddies, we are running a regular feature where we publish a single dog picture either shot by one of our readers or produced by DogExplorer.com

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