It wasn’t exactly bringing home the bacon; it was more like the bacon brought him home. The Associated Press (AP) is reporting that a New Hampshire Golden Retriever named Sam is finally in custody after getting out of his yard in 2004.

Attempts to capture Sam were made on a scale not seen since the effort to return “Free Willy” the Killer Whale (Orca) to the wild. Tricks, techniques and technology employed included the use of satellites, infrared cameras, helicopters and dart guns.

Thanks to donations made to the SPCA, a remote-controlled net was acquired and a trap laid. The bait? Ham.

Having survived two harsh winters on his wits, dumpster diving and handouts from humans, the team asked the community to stop feeding him so they could bring in the fugitive pooch.

According to the AP, Sam was so gifted at evading capture he was given the nickname “Golden Ghost.” At the end, while cautious, hunger won him over and the remote net worked its magic.

Under observation for rabies at the SPCA shelter for 10 days, if healthy, he will be returned to his people.

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