Wire services and major news outlets continue to buzz with unsubstantiated rumors of Vivi sightings in and around New York. The Los Angeles Times ran a breathless headline claiming “New York’s Wild Whippet Chase Picks Up With Recent Sightings,” and declaring in the story that “Flushing was one big dog trap.”

At ABC News, apparently they have managed to capture the pulse of all New York as their headline flatly states “Missing Dog Mystery Consumes New Yorkers.” While your humble correspondent is on the “other” coast, it seems to stretch credibility that the Big Apple has gone entirely to the dogs, er, dog.

While even the stodgy Bloomberg news service made the remarkable assertion that Vivi was spotted and touched noses with a Doberman belonging to an unidentified man, closer to home, and, perhaps with its paws a bit more on the ground, Newsday asked its readers “Is too much time and money being spent looking for Vivi?”

The ten responses posted on their website are a mix of sympathy, sarcasm and support.

(DogExplorer.com hopes Vivi is found safe and sound – Editor)

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