Linking to

To link to us, please use the code below: Come to to find world’s ugliest dog themed pictures of dogs, other dog pictures, dog training tips, travel information, dog podcasts, pet health help and more – everything but the dog breath!...

How do I enter a picture contest?

Glad you asked!1) Click on the link to our picture galleries.2) If you have not already registered as a member of the picture galleries portion of our site, please follow the next two steps. If you are already registered member of the picture gallery (registration on...

How do I upload a picture to the gallery?

Glad you asked!1) Click on the link to our picture galleries.2) If you have not already registered as a member of the picture galleries portion of our site, please follow the next two steps. If you are already registered member of the picture gallery (registration on...

How do I vote in a contest?

TO VOTE: 1) Register at the “Register” link at the top of the gallery home page and confirm your registration (an e-mail from us to you will include a link for you to click to confirm you are “real”). 2) Login at this link after you have...

Who is Ansel?

The best friend anyone could ever have on this earth. He lived with this website’s publisher from the time he was a puppy of eight weeks old until he was euthanized due to tragically failing health on September 16, 2005. He was fifteen years, one month and one...